Vision Statement & Mission Objective

Bhavan's Tripura College of Teacher Education, Tripura

Mission & Vision

Bhavan’s Tripura College of Teacher education established in July, 2005 is a reputed college permanently affiliated to Tripura University (A Central University) vide letter no: F.TU/REG/Aca/BTCTE/23/07 dated 19-09-2008. This college is recognized by NCTE vide NCTE letter No. ERC/7-56.11(8)/2005/1487(7) dated 12/05/2005 & ERC/NCTE/APE 00339/B.Ed (Revised Order)/2015/31691 dated 15/05/15 & UGC Act 1956.

Moreover, the Regulatory Bodies of the college is Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Agartala Kendra whose main office is situated in Mumbai. The college campus has been set up by the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan with active patronage & support of the Government of Tripura with an objective of offering Teacher Education. The important & requisite aspect of ‘Syllabus formation & modification’ are successfully conducted along with the collaborative hands with college- affiliated & recognized bodies from time to time.

Our Vision Statement

Bhavan’s Tripura College of Teacher Education visualizes to provide skilled and resourceful quality education,while equipping the future teachers with knowledge and values and at the same time providing ground for exposure of their hidden talents and offer them with the opportunity to realize and unveil their undiscovered potential and thus shaping of themselves as bright leaders and above all good human beings.

The vision of Bhavan’s Tripura College of Teacher Education is to provide an excellent education programme for all trainees within caring environment.

Mission of the Institution

·         To prepare the teachers with high caliber for all levels of education sound with the national & international goals

·         To cater to the pressing needs of the students problems 7 to suggest, a meaningful & visibly relevant system of teacher education

·         To produce teachers with knowledge & character, ideals & aspirations, attitudes & motivation

·         To train teachers as leaders of the society with sense of public responsibility

·         To equip the teachers with motivation for manifold activities to lead a good socialized life

·         To produce competency bases & committed teachers for all levels of education

·         To empower the youth through imparting high quality education, training & research

·         Promoting innovation in teaching, learning, research & consultancy services

·         Making India a better place based on quality education entrepreneurial knowledge formation.

Objectives of the Institution

·         To provide suitable condition for the study of teaching-learning techniques

·         To manage & supervise the learners for their teaching internship

·         To set up new ideas to promote the study through modern technology

·         To publish books, journals etc. on teacher education

·         To organize conference, seminar, workshop, orientation programme to help augment study on teaching

·         To usher in an all round development of the trainee by helping him/her gain knowledge as well as making them fluent speakers & expressive writers

·         To organize campus interview for playing the outgoing trainees in their respective field.

·         To support for outreach activities among the adjacent communities.

·         To support for women empowerment through vocational skill based programme, self-defense programme.

·         To consistently strive for creating stress free environment for teacher and students.

Addressing the Needs of Society

·         Equal treatment to all employees & students

·         Education for all

·         Inculcating discipline in the students

·         Creating good citizens for the future

Institution’s Tradition & values

·         Traditionally we are in institution which concentrates on academic discipline

·         Imparting good education to students

Future Perspective of The Student

·         Educational training for all

·         Educational training for the future of our state.

·         Outreach activities like social and educational awareness among the locals of the adopted village.

·         Upgrading infrastructure (disable friendly) and energy resource.